This is a very powerful time of the year because the veil between the Divine dimensions and this dimension is very thin. You can have your prayers answered. Magical things can happen in your life because there is so much good happening during this Autumn Equinox.
Sign up yourself and your loved ones for these powerful Autumn Equinox Light Transmissions while you have the opportunity at such a generously low price. And to also receive a Beautiful and Powerful Equinox Light Transmission to Elevate Your Consciousness and Bring More Prosperity, Success, Beauty, and Divine Harmony to your Beautiful Life.
Then you go into a Beautiful wave of Manifestation of good and Amazing, Magical things can happen for you.
The most important purpose in this rare, sacred life is your Spiritual Evolution.
If you desire with all your heart to connect with your purpose and raise your energy, consciousness, and personal power then these Equinox Light Transmissions can melt away some of the blocks at last and have you on a Higher Plane Of Light, Power, Prosperity, and Harmony.
Plus+ you can also sign up to receive a One-on-One Zoom session with me and a Personalized Prayer Card!
After many years of meditation with Kundalini, a beautiful Enlightened Teacher, Michele had her own awakening which transformed her consciousness and her Enlightenment returned. She now teaches others how to live a Mystical Life and experience Divine Oneness, which is the true heart of genuine happiness, success, and purpose in one’s life.