Not only can you and your loved ones have 30 Powerful Daily Light Transmissions, you can also sign up to have a One-on-One Zoom Session with me.
Along with your Daily Light Transmissions you will also receive access to a Live Zoom Event with Powerful Blessings to Rise Above in 2025.
This is such a wonderful opportunity to become one with your Spirit and make HUGE shifts towards your Enlightenment. This is for your own Consciousness to assist the Divine in awakening your life to one of Good Fortune and Success.
This world of 8 billion souls wants release, they want to be home and don’t know what is missing. What is missing is Enlightenment. And Light Transmissions fuel that change.
After many years of meditation with Kundalini, a beautiful Enlightened Teacher, Michele had her own awakening which transformed her consciousness and her Enlightenment returned. She now teaches others how to live a Mystical Life and experience Divine Oneness, which is the true heart of genuine happiness, success, and purpose in one’s life.